My Shadow: A poem by my sweet Daddy


My Shadow: A poem by my sweet Daddy

A few years ago, my dad gave my sister + I a special gift for Christmas. It was a simple metal stick-figure standing on his shadow. He welded it in his shop after writing this sweet poem. I think it's something we could all stand to read when we begin to allow our minds to dwell on the past rather than exist in the present. Namaste. 



Livin' on the edge: Don't look down


Livin' on the edge: Don't look down

Is normal shit your shit? Hey, good for you. But when you get bored...walk toward the edge. Trust me (even if you don't know me). Livin' on the edge is something one of my yoga teachers taught me a while ago (you know who you are!). Sure, it got him in trouble—a lot. But living on the edge is simply more fun than the alternative so it's worth most repercussions. Not to mention, the view is better the higher you climb. 


Throwback Thursday: Easy to be good


Throwback Thursday: Easy to be good

"Wilkes has written 20-some books about religion. He said he hopes to live some sort of life that reflects that, but once in a while, he said, doors are pushed open and like Wilkes said of Wilmington, 'This is the place. This is the place, where if I concentrate on it I can make an impact on this little girl’s life. I can help her. I can’t save the world but I can help her and the girls she lives with.'"


Water babies: A meditation of rebirth


Water babies: A meditation of rebirth

I wrote this meditation on November 14, 2014, just before teaching my very first yoga class--well it was a practice teach during my Kunga Yoga Teacher Training. It came to me in a dream-like state as I approached this new phase of my life--a rebirth of sorts. It reminds me to embrace each moment, to be grateful for the past + to find beauty in each moment, each breath. I hope you may find this too.


Hey Omies!


Hey Omies!

Ummmm hello?

Oh, hey omies! Come get real with me?

Once in a blue moon, you set your fears aside + let go--become a part of your own truth. And the truth is I want to crawl out of my own shell. I have journals lying all over my house but now is time to share my mind-ramblings with the world. So I'm starting a blog.

Cool. Thanks for checking it out. 

Word to your mother.  

-Jenny From the Yoga Block
